20 Best Outdoor Camping Games for Adults

Outdoor Camping Games for Adults


Are you planning a camping trip with your friends or loved ones? Looking for ways to make your outdoor adventure even more enjoyable and memorable by DIY camping games, outdoor games and many others? Well, look no further! In this article, I will explore 20 exciting outdoor camping games for adults that I loved and enjoyed the most after passing through my teenage years. Whether you prefer classic games, outdoor games without equipment for adults or camping games for adults at night, I have got you covered. So, let’s dive in and discover the perfect games to enhance your camping trip!

1: Scavenger Hunt

A scavenger hunt is a game where participants are given a list of items or clues to find within a designated area. The objective is to locate and collect the items or solve the clues to complete the hunt. It’s a fun and interactive activity that encourages teamwork and problem-solving skills.

How to Play:

  • Create a list of items that can be found in the campground or surrounding area.
  • Divide your group into teams and provide each team with a list and a bag to collect the items.
  • The first team to gather all the items or the team with the most items within a set time limit wins.

2: Outdoor Charades

An exciting addition to outdoor camping games for adults is Outdoor Charades.It involves teams or individuals taking turns to mime clues while others try to guess the correct answer. It’s an entertaining and active game which have helped me a lot in improving my creativity, communication, and observation skills in the outdoor environment. You can also play this game during hiking if you are looking for hiking games for adults.

How to Play:

  • Write down a variety of nature-themed words or phrases on small cards.
  • Divide your group into teams and have one person from each team pick a card and act out the word or phrase without speaking.
  • The team members must guess the word within a certain time frame.

3: Tug of War

Outdoor Camping Games for Adults

Tug of War is an exhilarating addition to outdoor camping games for adults. This competitive team sport involves two teams pulling on opposite ends of a rope in the outdoor setting, trying to overpower each other and pull the rope towards their side. The objective is to make the opposing team lose balance and cross a marked line on the ground.

How to Play:

  • Divide your group into two teams and mark a line on the ground.
  • Place a rope in the middle, and each team holds onto one end.
  • The objective is to try and pull the opposing team over the line.

4: Frisbee Golf

Frisbee Golf, also known as disc golf, is a fantastic outdoor camping game for adults. In this enjoyable activity, players throw a disc (similar to a Frisbee) into a series of designated targets, such as baskets or metal poles, in as few throws as possible.

How to Play:

  • Set up a course in your campground using natural landmarks.
  • Each player starts at a designated tee area and throws their frisbee toward the target.
  • A course must be completed with the fewest throws possible to win.

5: Water Balloon Toss

Beat the heat during your outdoor camping games for adults and add some splashy fun to your camping trip with a water balloon toss for laughter, wet clothes, and a refreshing time under the sun. I personally love to play it whenever I do camping in summer. I would suggest you to remember this game while looking at camping birthday ideas for adults.

How to Play:

  • Divide your group into pairs and provide each pair with a water balloon.
  • Start at a short distance and have each pair toss the water balloon to their partner.
  • After each successful catch, the pairs take a step back, increasing the distance.
  • In the end, the pair with the most intact water balloons wins.

6: Three-Legged Race

Outdoor Camping Games for Adults

The three-legged race is a classic and entertaining outdoor camping game for adults that requires coordination and teamwork, resulting in a challenging and hilarious competition. I still do recall memories of playing this game and falling on the ground while playing this. And I do have a tip for winning this game during your camping adventures. Find a partner who is left-handed if you are right-handed or vice versa, and then tie your non-dominant legs together. Victory will be yours, I’m sure of that.

How to Play:

  • Pair up participants and tie one of their legs together, creating “three-legged” teams.
  • Set a racecourse and have the teams compete against each other, hopping or running to reach the finish line.
  • The team that crosses the finish line first wins.

7: Capture the Flag

Capture the Flag is a thrilling outdoor camping game for adults that combines strategy, agility, and teamwork, providing a mix of stealth, outdoor exploration, and friendly competition. It’s a thrilling and strategic game that involves teamwork, speed, and tactical planning. 

How to Play:

  • Divide your group into two teams and mark out a playing area.
  • Each team has a “flag” hidden in their territory.
  • The objective is to infiltrate the opposing team’s area, retrieve their flag, and bring it back to your own territory without getting caught.
  • The team that successfully captures the flag and brings it back wins the game.

8: Campfire Trivia

Campfire Trivia is an entertaining outdoor camping game for adults enjoyed around the campfire, where participants test their knowledge by answering questions and riddles. It creates a cozy atmosphere and encourages friendly competition while stimulating intellectual thinking. Gathered in a circle during your camping adventures, players take turns asking and answering trivia questions, making for an enjoyable and engaging evening activity. 

How to Play:

  • Prepare a list of nature-related trivia questions.
  • Divide your group into teams.
  • Take turns asking the questions, and each team writes down their answers.
  • After all the questions are answered, tally the scores and the team with the most correct answers wins.

9: Giant Jenga

Giant Jenga is a larger-than-life version of the classic game that adds extra excitement and suspense to your camping trip. It’s an exciting and suspenseful game that requires steady hands, strategy, and a sense of balance.

How to Play:

  • Create a tower using wooden blocks.
  • Take turns removing one block at a time from the tower and placing it on top without causing the tower to collapse.
  • The game continues until the tower falls.
  • The player who successfully removes and places the block without collapsing the tower wins.

10: Nature Photo Contest

A nature photo contest is a competition where participants capture and submit their best photographs of the natural world. It encourages individuals to explore and appreciate the beauty of nature through their camera lens.

How to Play:

  • Give each participant a camera or a smartphone.
  • Set a specific time frame for them to take captivating photos of the surrounding environment.
  • After the time is up, gather together and have each person share their best shots.
  • Vote for the most impressive photographs, and award prizes to the winners based on the group’s decision.

Outdoor games without equipment for adults:

11: Sardines

Sardines is a thrilling outdoor camping game for adults, a twist on hide-and-seek that involves hiding and squeezing together like sardines. It’s a fun and suspenseful game that keeps everyone engaged. This exciting activity adds an extra element of thrill to your camping adventures, making it a memorable and laughter-filled experience with friends or fellow campers.

How to Play:

  • One person is designated as the “hider” while the rest of the players count and wait.
  • Once the hider finds a hiding spot, the other players search for them.
  • When a player finds the hider, they join them in the hiding spot, staying quiet and hidden.
  • The game continues until the last person discovers the hiding spot, and then a new round begins with a new hider.

12: Simon Says

Simon Says is a classic outdoor game without equipment for adults that tests listening skills and quick reactions. It’s a fun and interactive game that can be played in various settings, including camping trips. This engaging activity adds an element of excitement and laughter to your outdoor adventures, making it an ideal choice for group entertainment during camping.

How to Play:

  • Choose one person to be “Simon” and have them stand in front of the group.
  • “Simon says touch your nose,” for example, is a command Simon gives.
  • The other players must follow the commands only when “Simon says” is stated.
  • If a player follows a command without “Simon says,” they are out of the game.
  • The game continues with Simon giving more commands until there is one player left standing, who becomes the next Simon.

13: Storytelling Circle

The storytelling circle is a creative and collaborative outdoor game without equipment for adults where participants take turns adding sentences to create an ongoing story. It’s a great way to spark imagination and entertainment during camping trips. This enjoyable activity adds an element of storytelling magic to your outdoor adventures, making it an ideal choice for group bonding and fun.

How to Play:

  • Gather around the campfire or in a circle.
  • The first person starts the story by saying a sentence or two.
  • The next person continues the story by adding their own sentence or two.
  • Each participant takes turns adding to the story, building on what has been said before.
  • The game continues, with each player contributing to the story until it reaches a satisfying conclusion or continues indefinitely.

Camping Games For Adults at Night

Although there are a lot of camping activities for night, but right now here I am sharing with you some camping games for adults at night which can lit up your night.

14: Stargazing Challenge

Outdoor Camping Games for Adults

The stargazing challenge is an awe-inspiring outdoor camping game for adults at night, combining the beauty of the night sky with learning about constellations and celestial objects. It’s an educational and captivating activity to enjoy during camping trips.

How to Play:

  • Each participant chooses a constellation or celestial object they want to focus on.
  • One by one, each participant shares interesting facts or stories about their chosen constellation or celestial object.
  • Participants can use books, apps, or prior knowledge to provide information.
  • The game continues with each person sharing their chosen object, creating an engaging and informative stargazing session.

15: Moonlight Hike

Embarking on a moonlight hike is an adventurous outdoor camping game for adults at night that allows you to explore the trails or surroundings of your campsite under the magical ambiance of the moon. It’s a thrilling and unique experience that adds an adventurous twist to your camping trip. 

How to Play:

  • Choose a designated time when the moon is visible and provides sufficient light for the hike.
  • Equip each participant with flashlights or headlamps for safety.
  • Follow a designated trail or explore the surroundings of your campsite while enjoying the moonlit night.
  • Take in the sights, sounds, and unique atmosphere of nature at night, ensuring to stay safe and watch out for any obstacles.

16: Flashlight Tag

Outdoor Camping Games for Adults

Flashlight Tag is a heart-pounding outdoor camping game for adults at night that combines hide-and-seek with a twist. It’s an exciting and thrilling activity to play in the darkness of the night, adding an extra layer of excitement and challenge to your camping trip.

How to Play:

  • Choose one person to be the “Tagger” and give them a flashlight.
  • The other players scatter and hide within a designated area.
  • The Tagger’s goal is to spot and tag the other players using the beam of the flashlight.
  • Players become Taggers when they are tagged.
  • The game continues as players stealthily move through the darkness, relying on their wits and agility to avoid detection.

17: Glow Stick Ring Toss

Glow Stick Ring Toss is a visually stunning outdoor camping game for adults at night that adds a magical touch to your camping experience. It’s a simple and engaging activity that can be played in the dark, creating a mesmerizing visual effect with glowing rings. 

How to Play:

  • Gather a few glow sticks and form them into rings.
  • Set up a pole or stake in the ground as the target.
  • Players take turns tossing the glow stick rings, aiming to land them around the pole.
  • Keep track of scores or play for fun.
  • Enjoy the enchanting glow of the rings as they create a captivating display in the darkness.

18: Nighttime Scavenger Hunt

The Nighttime Scavenger Hunt adds an element of mystery and adventure to your camping night. It’s a thrilling game that allows you to explore the beauty of the night while searching for specific items in the dark. 

How to Play:

  • Create a list of items that can be found in the dark, such as specific constellations, nocturnal animals, or unique natural features.
  • Equip each participant with a flashlight and provide them with the scavenger hunt list.
  • Set a time limit and let the exploration begin.
  • Participants search for the items on the list using their flashlights.
  • The team or individual who finds the most items within the given time wins.

19: Ghost Stories Contest

Outdoor Camping Games for Adults

The Ghost Stories Contest is a perfect outdoor camping game for adults at night, providing a thrilling activity to gather around the campfire and test your storytelling skills. It’s a fun and spooky game that creates a memorable night of shared ghostly tales. 

How to Play:

  • Each participant takes turns sharing their most spine-chilling, suspenseful, or humorous ghost story.
  • Encourage creativity and imagination in storytelling.
  • Let the eerie ambiance of the night add to the atmosphere.
  • After each story, take a vote to determine the scariest or most captivating tale.
  • Enjoy a night filled with entertainment and a shared appreciation for ghostly narratives.

20: Glow-in-the-Dark Capture the Flag

Glow-in-the-Dark Capture the Flag is a nocturnal twist on the classic game. It’s an exhilarating and strategic activity that brings friendly competition and excitement to your camping trip. 

How to Play:

  • Divide your group into two teams and assign each team a territory.
  • Use glow sticks or other glowing objects as the “flags” to be captured.
  • The objective is to infiltrate the opposing team’s territory, retrieve their flag, and bring it back to your own territory without being caught.
  • The glow-in-the-dark element adds an extra layer of excitement and strategy as players maneuver through the darkness.
  • Use teamwork, agility, and stealth to outwit the opposing team and secure victory.


Camping trips are not just about enjoying the beauty of nature; they are also an opportunity to create lasting memories and strengthen bonds with friends and loved ones. By incorporating these twenty outdoor camping games for adults into your itinerary, you can add an extra layer of excitement and enjoyment to your wilderness adventure. Whether you’re embarking on a scavenger hunt, competing in a game of glow-in-the-dark capture the flag, or showcasing your storytelling skills around the campfire, these outdoor camping games for adults are designed to bring fun, adventure, and bonding to your camping trip. So, pack your bags, gather your group, and get ready for an unforgettable camping experience filled with laughter, friendly competition, and a closer connection with nature. Happy camping!

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